27 September 2011

Lots of pain and other happenings

I haven't updated because not much new has been happening. My left leg continues to ache, but the pain relief regime is helping a lot. Unfortunately, my right leg now aches. So I am doing the same things for that leg.

My GP did an Xray to rule out a fracture, and as expected, nothing was found. GP is taking a month break. I have enough meds to see me through until then, but I admit I like knowing that he is around when I need him. I will see him again after I see both the dermatologist and oncologist, which happens in early November.

I am basically at theraputic level for my light treatments. The last one was 5 mins and 48 secs. 5-6 mins is thought to be my limit. I will know for sure after my dermatology appointment.

Other news is that we have 60 days to find a new place to live. The owners are selling our house, and we can't get a mortgage. I don't need the stress and pressure this involves, but there are positives too. As Girl Child says, "Just think of it as an adventure." It sounds like solid advice.

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